Monday, March 12, 2007

Corey Washington

I used to go to the same church as Frank Walton. We all pretty much thought he was gay, or at the very least very, very effeminate, plus he was always quite silly, yet had no sense of humor. His parents have a bit of money, and they always seemed a bit embarrased that he always did so poorly in school. I think he's a bit mentally challenged; he just always came across kind of dumb. I don't mean that in a mean way. He could toilet and feed himself. But I remember his folks got him a job as a target greeter/bag boy/guy who brings a big item to your car on a flat cart. He did help me get my big TV in my Honda by cutting it out of the box. I haven't seen him there for awhile. He still lives with his parents and the college he's attending is one of those bible correspondence things. I wouldn’t be surprised if he's got a doctorate by now; too bad he can't spell or use the English language.
I wish he'd find something else to do. He really is an embarrassment to his folks


That is so funny!

Check out The Uncredible Hallq's blog and read the blog comments.

Here is another one from Cory.

I'm the real Corey, and yes, Frank is mentally challenged. He works at the car wash now I think. I heard somebody in the neighborhood mention it. I haven't seen him myself though.


I always thought that The Frank Walton™ would at least have a job as a crash test dummy, because he's better off dead.

Anyway, another Corey Washington said this in Frank Walton's blog:

I'm the real Corey, and yes, Frank is mentally challenged. He works at the car wash now I think. I heard somebody in the neighborhood mention it. I haven't seen him myself though.

Hey, it looks like my clone is lavishing me with more attention. Ted Bell, thanks for making Chris Hallquist look like an idiot. Best of all you used my name. Thanks.

The real Corey Washington

Hey, wait a minute! That doesn't mean someone else was pretending to be Corey, was it? Nnnaaahh!


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