Sunday, April 29, 2007


For those of you who don't know, Axiom tech (aka QXDC) has challenged Frank Walton to a debate. Axiom should have know that Frank doesn't have an honest bone in his body. I mean, look at my friend Rich Rodriguez. When he debated Frank he knew that Frank was never honest anyway, but decided to debate Frank anyway, but only to bail out of the debate because of Frank's dishonesty. Makes perfect sense, don't it? In fact, that was his excuse. And Frank, being the cry-baby that he is, complained about it. But Axiom is wasting his time with Walton who is the even worse than Ray Comfort at trying to argue the theist side. That is why Brian Sapient is going to argue with him. He's going to argue with Comfort just to waste his time. People with a life do that. And we all know that Brian Sapient, who uses his mother for money, has a life. As you can see from the following post Frank tries to weasel his way out of their exchange over 125 words!

Axiom-Tech, You have just broken one of the rules of the debate. As you can see in the very first post in this forum (by Knight) you were to write an opening no more than 1500 words, yet you’re opening is 1625 words (not counting the references… I don’t count those… but, uh, it seemed liked you were doing more arguing in the third reference! Give me a break!). And you wonder why I called you a moron? As far as I can tell none of the moderators warned you about this infraction, which is unfortunate, and which is why I'm posting this message myself. My sole purpose of going to a forum was to have a fair debate while being properly moderated. I will post my opening tomorrow, but if you continue to break the rules of the debate (or weasel in more arguments in your reference section), I will not continue it. I hope you would be more civil in your conduct. Thanks, Frank Walton

Talk about grasping for straws. All you can do with 125 words is make more arguments. What's the big deal? What Axiom is doing is throwing a last punch after the bell rings. What's the big deal? Sheesh! I can't believe this joker believes he would have lasted a micro second against my friend Rich Rodriguez. That's why Rodriguez decided not to finish his debate with him. That's pretty logical if you think about it: Rich Rodriguez would have beaten Frank so badly that he decided not to finish debating him. That's an absolutely non-cowardly thing to do. No really, it isn't. So don't go off calling men like Rodriguez a coward. He's so brave he won't debate Frank. Makes absolute sense.

Rich Rodriguez had more to say:


QXDC is one of the weakest Atheist I have ever come across, he has been regularly pwned by both Rook and I in the stickam room. Frank can't even handle a wanna be Atheist! lol!

Why do I call him a wanna be Atheist? Does this look like something an Atheist would do?

(Axiom tech on the left getting friendly with Kent Hovind)

####END QUOTE####

You see, Rich Rodriguez wants atheists to not have any Christians as friends. And that's exactly what the Rational Response Squad wants. Take it from my friend, Mr. GAWN (a faithful RRS member) when he said:

Fuckin' Christians, if I can't convert 'em I'll burn 'em. Learn 'em a lesson with my Smith and Wesson straight in they sternum.

From the song I would say God

That's the RRS way, man! Screw all you, Christians!


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